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Techniques for digital interviews

Nov 11, 2021

Over the last year, employers have had to realign the way they recruit new candidates. While a small number of employers are still holding in-person interviews, the majority are utilising technology and conducting interviews by video or telephone to allow them to continue to get the right people on board.  This looks to be continuing for some time yet.

If you are looking for your next role, it is important your video interview skills are up to scratch.

Here are some top tips to help you get ready for an interview:-

  • Do your homework and research the company history and who you will potentially be working with.  Half of the interview process is for the employer to determine if you are the right fit and the other half is for you to determine if it’s the right fit for you.

  • In advance review your CV, it may have been a while since you last looked at it properly.  Highlight your key achievements and your strengths.

  • Practice makes perfect – video interviewing can be uncomfortable and unnatural.  Practice aloud while taping yourself is recommended because it can help you get rid of stage fright.  You can also review it and change where you feel it’s needed.

  • Make sure you have the right technology in place, download the necessary apps, make sure your equipment is charged up and test your connection before the interview.

  • Choose your location carefully.  Try and set up in a quiet room where you won’t be disturbed by noises and people.  Make sure the room you choose is tidy and simple background and think about the lighting.

  • Shut down any software on your computer that might play notification sounds and switch your phone to silent to guarantee you won't be distracted. 

  • Listen carefully to any questions you are being asked during the interview and make sure your answer tells them what they need to know.

  • If giving examples make sure you explain what the task was, what you did, problems you faced and how you succeeded.

  • Prepare in advance a list of questions you want to ask.  This lets you find out more information that hasn’t already been covered during the interview.

  • Control your nerves remember and take a deep breath!

  • Dress appropriately.  Although the interview will be conducted remotely and you won’t have to polish those shoes, it is important to dress the part and be well groomed.

  • Be positive and show your enthusiasm about the position.  Make eye contact throughout as this shows the interviewer you are attentive and starts to build up rapport.  Be mindful of your body language throughout.  Sit up straight, focus and remember to smile.  You want to give that all important right first impression.

 And finally….

It’s important you finish off on a good note.  Handshakes are no longer a concluding end to the interview and it is important you leave a lasting impression so thank the interviewer for their time and keep smiling.

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